Contact us

High quality is our priority, therefore
Danone places exceptional value on your opinion.

Our helplines are places where you can share your opinions on any Danone product – we are waiting for your suggestions.

We listen to your needs and consider the information you send us. Thanks to this, we are able to constantly improve our product offer in order to meet the expectations of every Consumer, taking care to maintain a proper and balanced diet.

Questions regarding Danone products

Essential Dairy and Plant-Based products

+48 801 33 11 33

Your operator’s rates apply.

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Questions regarding Żywiec Zdrój products

+48 801 10 11 10

Your operator’s rates apply.

Online form

Questions regarding Nutricia products
(early live nutrition)

+48 801 16 5555

Your operator’s rates apply.

Online form

Questions regarding Nutricia products
(medical nutrition)

+48 22 55 00 155

Your operator’s rates apply.

Online form

Danone Ethics

Company data

Danone Sp. z o.o.
ul. Bobrowiecka 8
00-728 Warszawa

tel. +48 22 86 08 200
fax. +48 22 86 08 450
NIP: 527-020-44-71
Nr KRS (National Court Register No.): 0000014227
BDO: 000013290

District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Commercial Department of the KRS, share capital: 53,550,000 PLN, paid in full.


Contact information for candidates

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